About the Directory

The Takoma ARTery Artist directory includes each participating artist’s name, contact information, a representative image of their work, and direct links to their websites and social media pages. Browse the directory from beginning to end or use the search buttons to find specific artists, mediums, or prices. Shop individual artist’s online sites, where available, or contact artists directly to discuss art or consignments, to request additional images and information, and to negotiate possible visits, payment method and delivery. As artists are signing up to join, the directory will grow, so check the directory often. Thank you for supporting Takoma artists and artisans.


For Artists

Welcome artists, artisans, and small arts/handicrafts businesses to the Takoma ARTery Artist Directory, a new selling opportunity where art lovers and customers may browse the entire directory or use the search buttons to find specific artists, mediums, and prices. Your entry will be uploaded as soon as you complete requirements. The ARTery will promote your art by advertising the directory through social media, Mainstreet Takoma, Takoma Radio and with signage around town. Joining us will also provide opportunities to collaborate with other creative people with similar interests and talents and to bring your own innovative ideas to enrich Takoma’s artistic life.

To join, fill out the form by clicking here. If you have questions, please contact takoma.artery@gmail.com .





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